Arc Melter AM 500

Arc Melter AM 500


• Designed for melting samples of up to approx. 500 g at temperatures up to 3500°C

• Water-cooled copper crucible plate with multi-purpose moulds (for button and rod samples)

• Water-cooled, double-walled high vacuum chamber and flanges

• Electric drive for easy lifting of the chamger

• Motor-driven, water-cooled tungsten electrode which can be moved freely above the crucibles

• Excellent observation of the melting process through viewing port(s)

• Control panel with all major operating functions at the top of the electrode for safe and convenient operation

• Crucible plates with customized moulds on request

• Contactless ignition of the arc

• Different melting programs to prevent overheating of

• Powerful arc melting generators for up to approx. 3500°C

• High-vacuum pumping and measuring system, built into the rack system ready for operation


Safety features

• Emergency stop button

• Sensor for chamber lift

• Sensor for protection glasses

• Cooling water flow control


Quantity: 500 g
Temperature: 3500° C
Generators: max. 800 A
Connection: 400 V, 3-ph, 50/60 Hz (generator); 230 V, 50/ 60 Hz (arc melter) (different voltage on request)
Crucible plate: different versions available, or customized crucible plates
Options: Sample manipulator, Tilt casting, Suction casting, Recirculating chiller
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